Allergy Desensitization

Innovative. Powerful. Effective.

At Natural Solace we are proud to offer Soliman Auricular Allergy Treatment (SAAT) for allergy relief.

This unique approach developed by Dr. Nader Soliman is a simple technique involving placement of one tiny hair-thin acupuncture needle.  The needle is left in the ear for a specified amount of time, which resets the immune response to the allergen.

Once the needles are removed, desensitization will continue, requiring only one single treatment. This proven technique provides the strongest relief from allergy  symptoms among all known acupuncture techniques. 

Why Do It?

  • SAAT is a simple and easy procedure, one treatment is all that is typically necessary
  • There are no known side effects
  • Compared with other allergy treatments, it is a fairly inexpensive and quick procedure

It is effective for any allergy...

  • Food Sensitivities: fruits, vegetables, nuts, meats (including Alpha-gal), shellfish, wheat, dairy & more
  • Home/Environment Sensitivities: dog, cat & other pets, dust, trees, pollen, grasses, poison ivy, etc
  • Chemical/Medication Sensitivities: fragrances  cleaning products, latex, aspirin, penicillin & more

What is Alpha-gal Syndrome?

Alpha-gal syndrome is a food allergy to the meat of mammals such as beef, pork, lamb, and venison among others, that develops after a tick bite. However, not everyone experiences a reaction to alpha-gal after a bite, as there are many factors involved in the development of the sensitivity.

To date, the lone star tick has been identified as the vector responsible in the transmission.  Still, others such as chiggers and mosquitoes are currently being investigated as a possible link to this syndrome.

Alpha-gal is Different From Other Allergies.

Signs and symptoms of alpha-gal allergic reactions are delayed compared with other food sensitivities.  In Alpha gal Syndrome symptoms typically don’t appear until 3-8 hours after eating red meat.  In contrast, reactions to most foods such as peanuts, gluten, or shellfish, typically start rapidly or immediately upon exposure. 

Food allergies are typically triggered by proteins, however, alpha-gal is different as it is a sugar or carbohydrate molecule.  This explains  why red meat allergy sufferers are able to eat seafood, chicken, turkey, fish and eggs.

Find Relief, Hope & Support

Free Phone Consult

If you are wanting to learn more about SAAT, and how it can potentially help you, request a free phone consult with one of our SAAT providers. There is no obligation.
Call 580.579.8339

Let's Get Started

To accommodate work and school schedules as well as those who travel from out of town we offer flexible appointment times, which includes evening and weekend hours. Click below to complete the contact form.
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